This is the Cat That Hat Milk and Tenali Raman Story in English. Once the rats in the state had disturbed the public a lot in the state.
There were so many mice in people’s homes that they spoiled all the food and clothes kept in the house.

When this situation reached the king, the king ordered all the people of the kingdom that they would have a cat in their house. So that the mice can eat the cat and the problem will get resolved.
But the people of the state did not have enough milk to feed the cat. At the same time, while solving this problem of the public, the king decided to give a cow to every household.
At the same time, Tenali Rama loved milk and he did not want the milk to be given to the cat.
Therefore, Tenali Rama used to keep hot milk for the cat every day so that the cat could not drink that hot milk.
This trick of Tenali Rama worked and whenever the cat went to drink milk, she could not drink the milk after seeing the hot milk. And in this way, Tenali used to get all the milk to drink.
At the same time, the King ordered that all the people of the village should appear with their cat in the King’s court.
When Raja saw all the cats in the court, only Tenali’s cat looked very weak.
The Kind asked Tenali, “why your cat is so weak?” Tenali said that his cat does not like to drink milk.
The king could not believe Tenali and he ordered the cat to be fed in front of him.
As the milk was placed in front of the cat, the cat thought that this milk would be hot and the cat did not drink that milk at that time. No punishment was given by the king to Tenali and all the milk of the cow started getting to Tenali.
Real also the Story Tenali Rama and Rose
Below is the Visualisation of The Cat That Hat Milk and Tenali Rama Story in English.
The Cat That Hat Milk and Tenali Raman Story in English
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