Once, a river was full of many sea creatures. Sometimes, the river used to be dry and sometimes the river used to be full of water.

Now, the sea creatures knew by instinct when there would be drought and when there would be rainfall.
Now, there came a time when there was going to be drought. So, the sea creatures left the river and went away to greener pastures. But a tortoise did not leave the river. He said, “I was born here and my parents also lived here, so I cannot leave this river.”
When the river dried up, the tortoise buried himself in the clay.
Just then, a potter came to take some clay. His spade hit the tortoise.
The tortoise cried, “Ouch! I made a mistake in staying here. This is not a safe place anymore. It is useless to cling to things.
One should move on in life.” Saying so, he ran away as fast as he could.