This is the short story on Raksha Bandhan. Hari and Pari were brother and sister. Hari was older and he used to take full advantage of that. He used to always tease younger sister Pari.
Their mother said, “Kids! tomorrow is Raksha Bandhan and Hari’s birthday too. We’ll go to the market for shopping and come back. Daddy and Mommy went shopping.
Hari took his cycle and started playing with it. Pari said, “Brother! I even want to play.Â
No, it’s my cycle, Hari replied.
Brother! Please, Pari requested to Hari
Hari said, “okay play then

Pari sits on the cycle and starts cycling. That’s when Pari falls from Cycle. Hari saw her and laughed looking at the scene and Pari cried aloud.
When daddy and mommy came back home, They saw Pari was crying
Daddy said, “Hari! I asked you to take care of Pari and you made her cry.
Saying so, Daddy pulled Hari’s ear.
Hari started to scream. AH AH! Daddy leave it
But Pari felt very sad seeing her brother in pain. She immediately said, “Daddy, it’s not brother’s mistake at all. It was me who fell down from the cycle. That’s how Pari saves Hari from the trouble.
The next morning, Daddy calls Hari to take chocolate.
Hari said, “Is it for me?..
Father replied, “No that’s for Pari.
Hari said, “But Dad, isn’t my birthday today?
Father – Yes but today is Raksha Bandhan too. First, Raksha Bandhan and then birthday. When Pari will tie rakhi to you, You give this chocolate to her, saying so, father left from there.
Today is my birthday right. Why should I give this chocolate to Pari. Saying that Hari eats that chocolate.
After a while, the Raksha Bandhan program starts. Pari ties the rakhi to Hari.
Pari said, Brother! Now give me my gift.
Which gift? Hari replied.
Mommy said, “The chocolate which daddy gave you.. Give it to Pari.
Oh! That one I just ate, Hari Said.
Daddy started scolding Hari..but that was for Pari right.
Listening to what daddy said, Hari starts to cry and said, I know that you only love Pari. Today is my birthday right and what did you bring for me?
Daddy Said, “Hari stops crying, Today is Raksha Bandhan and Pari is your sister. She did tie the rakhi to you. You should have given the chocolate to her.”
Hari Said,”You always say Pari..Pari..Pari.I am also your son.. What if it’s Raksha Bandhan or Diwali..Only Pari gets gifts.
I get nothing at all.
Daddy replied angrily, keep quiet Hari. What are you talking about?
Hearing this, Hari starts to cry even louder.
Hari, Stop! all this drama. You’ve become too’ve become too rude too..Where are you learning all this from, Daddy said.
Mommy says leave him, He’s just a kid. Today is his birthday too.
Suddenly Pari said, “Don’t cry brother, I don’t want any gift. Today is your birthday. I will give you a gift today..Pari brings a gift.
Looking at the gift, Mommy, daddy, and brother, Everyone gets surprised..
Daddy asked, Pari! What is this?
Pari replied, “Brother was asking you, daddy, to buy a sports watch. Dear brother! take your birthday gift.
Mommy and daddy, whatever money you give to me, I kept them all in a piggy bank and broke that piggy bank and bought this watch.
Hari takes out the watch and feels extremely happy.
Hari Said, “Thank you! Pari
Father said, Did you notice Hari, how much does your sister love you? And you are always hurting her. Raksha Bandhan means taking care of your sister and yesterday you made her fall from the cycle but still for you, she lied to us. You’re so lucky to have such a sister like her. You should never hurt her.
Sorry! Daddy, Mommy, and Pari, today onwards I’ll never hurt you. I will always take care of you, Pari, and definitely give you a Raksha Bandhan gift.
Pari said, “Brother! I don’t want any gifts. You changed yourself. That itself is a big gift for me.
Listening to this, Hari gives a big hug to Pari. And always stay happy.
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