This is the story on bravery in 150 words. Once, a sailor named Tom and his merchant friends boarded a ship. The ship went from island to island making good bargains and sales.

One day, it landed on a strange land, which was covered with fruit trees and freshwater springs. While his companions gathered fruits, Tom lay down under a shady tree and fell asleep.
When he woke up, he was shocked to see that he was alone. The ship had left without him!
He wondered how to escape from this island. He climbed up a tall tree and looked anxiously around for his ship.
Fortunately, he could still see it in the distance. It has not gone too far yet,’ thought Tom, ‘I will wave my colourful scarf from the top of the tree. Maybe they will see it.”
Luckily for Tom, his friends saw the scarf. They came back and rescued Tom!