Hachiko’s Night Friends is a Dog Bedtime Story. All the animals in the farm were asleep, except Hachiko the dog.
So Hachiko went out to see the nightlife outside the farm.
He looked up and saw the moon.
It looked beautiful, round and white.

A firefly saw Hachiko and came down from the treetop.
It said, “Hi, I’m a firefly.”
Hachiko smiled and asked, “Will you be my friend?”
“Yes, I will,” said the firefly.
At that very moment, something flew across Hachiko and hung topsy-turvy on a tree.
“Who are you?” asked Hachiko.
“I’m a bat,”said the bat, “I can see at night.”
“Can I be your friend,” asked to Hachiko.
“Yes, sure!” said the bat.
Suddenly, Hachiko saw two shining eyes staring at him from a tree.
“Who are you?” asked Hachiko.
“I’m an owl,” said the owl, “I hunt at night.”
“Will you be my friend,”asked Hachiko
“Yes, I will,” said the owl.
Then Hachiko heard, ‘Chirp, Chirp’ and he met the cricket.
They all played till Hachiko felt sleepy.
Back to the farm, Hachiko went up to his mom and told about his new friends.
Mom said,”Your friends are very nocturnal(very active at night), but you must sleep at night.”
Hachiko mumbled, “But night is a fantastic place, Mom!”
Moral of the Story – Hachiko’s Night Friends
Friendship doubles your joys and divides your sorrows.