If you are looking for English short stories for beginners, then you will find very good Short Stories here. Here you will also find short stories for children. You will definitely learn something by reading every story.

Here you will find many short stories in English. It will take you at most 2 minutes to read a story. After reading the story, you will feel that your time has been spent in acquiring some good knowledge.
Whatever knowledge you get by reading these stories will be useful in your real life too. We hope that you like our simple English stories.
Let begin very short English stories for beginners
Very Short English Stories For Beginners
1. English Story for Kids Easy – Precious Sack
Wandering from one town to another, two brothers met an old man with a long grey beard, carrying a sack.
They told him that they were seeking happiness. He smiled and pulled out a handful of gold coins. “Will this help you?” he asked.
“Oh, yes!” said the elder brother, taking the coins. Then he held out a bright red ruby and asked, “Who will take this?”
Again, the elder brother took it. Then, the old man asked them to help him carry his sack to the village.
The elder one stood silent, while the younger one willingly carried it.
At the edge of the village, the old man said, “The sack, and all that it contains, is yours, my boy!” “But I can’t take away your sack!” said the boy.
“No, it’s a gift!” said the old man and he vanished in a trice. The boy opened the sack to find it filled with precious stones!
2. Story for kids in English – The Feather
The hens were roosting in their coop, when one feather dropped from a little white hen. Two hens sitting below saw the feather fall and one of them said, “Did you see that?
The white hen is making herself pretty by pulling out some of her feathers!”
The other hen exclaimed, “She thinks she’s prettier than all of us?”
Mrs Owl, roosting high up near the ceiling, heard them and said to her husband, “Those hens are complaining and fighting!”
“Don’t listen to their gossip!” instructed her husband, tucking his head under his wing. But her remark had been overheard by some neighbouring hens.
One of them whispered, “Do you know two of the hens are fighting?”
“They must be pulling out each other’s feathers!” replied the other.
A sleepy hen woke up to hear this and exclaimed loudly, “Five hens are fighting!” The white hen heard it, and thought, ‘I wonder what happened!” And she went back to sleep.
3. English Story Reading for Kids – The Church Door
There was a great treasure at Klumhoi, guarded by a dragon! Three men in the village heard about it and decided to dig for it. “It’s necessary to be completely silent,” said one of them, “Otherwise, the dragon will wake up!” So determined to remain quiet, they took their spades to dig up the treasure.
They dug fairly deep till the spades hit something with a clang. They found they had hit a large copper chest!
Scraping away the rubble they found a huge ring on the lid of the chest.
The three of them combined their strength to pull up the ring but it seemed fixed very firmly.
After tugging for a While, it moved; so, one of them excitedly said, “Once more and it’ll open!”
The chest flew off and fell into a lake and they were left holding the ring! They fixed it on the door of St Olaf’s Church!
4. Short Story in English for Kids – The Poisonous Tree
Once, a merchant was travelling with his caravan. They stopped near a village and camped for the night.
Near their camp stood a tree which looked like a mango tree.
The merchant saw the tree and said to his servants, “This tree does look like a mango tree but it is a poisonous What Not tree. Do not eat its fruit!”
Unfortunately, some of his servants ignored the warning out of hunger. They ate the fruit and died.
The next day, some villagers came to the camp site expecting to see dead people but they were in for a surprise as the merchant and his men were alive.
They asked the merchant, “How it so happened that you are alive? Why did you not eat the fruit of this tree?”
The merchant replied, “I noticed that the fruit of this tree had not been plucked by anyone. Thus, there was something wrong with them. They were not to be eaten!”
Everyone appreciated the merchant’s wisdom.
5. Easy Small Story for Kids – The Foolish Son
Once there was a carpenter. He was working hard. Now, the carpenter was bald. A mosquito seeing the shiny bald head of the carpenter went and sat on his head. It started biting the carpenter’s head.
The carpenter got irritated and chased the mosquito away with his hand but the mosquito came back.
The carpenter again chased the mosquito with his hand.
The mosquito went away but was persistent. It kept coming again and again. The carpenter was finally very tired.
He called out to his son, “Son, please get rid of this mosquito for me.”
The son was very obedient but foolish. He hit the mosquito with a stick. Though the mosquito flew away yet the carpenter was wounded badly.
6. Story in English for Reading – The Lean Cat
A woman had a pet cat but she was very lean as the woman was poor and gave little food to the cat.
One day, the lean cat saw a healthy stray cat passing by. She was surprised to see such a healthy cat. She asked her, “How it so happened are so well fed?”
The healthy cat replied, “I go to the palace and steal the tasty food that is spread out on the table.”
The lean cat’s mouth started watering as she heard this and decided to go to the palace herself.
Her master warned her not to go when she came to know about her plan. But the cat did not listen.
The next day, she went inside the palace and grabbed a chicken piece. But as soon as she did this, the cook saw her and gave her a beating.
The hurt cat went running back to her master.
7. Easy Story for Kids in English – The Clever Wolf
Some men went to the forest for a picnic in the afternoon. But the walk to the forest was very tiring. So, they hurriedly ate up everything they had brought. After that, they all went off to sleep. It was dusk when they got up.
All of them started feeling hungry again. One of them said, “Prepare fire. I will get something to eat.” He took a club and reached a lake where animals came to drink water. He sat down under a tree and pretended to sleep.
After some time, a pack of wolves came to drink water. They saw the man sleeping. The leader of the pack was clever. He told the other wolves, “This man is not sleeping. He is waiting to catch an animal.”
To prove his point, he went near the man. The man immediately got up and threw his club at the wolf.
But the wolf was alert and dodged the club, and ran away.
8. Simple Short Story in English – The Kind Tortoise
Long ago, some merchants were on a voyage. Suddenly, a great storm brewed up in the sea. It tossed the ship from left to right. The ship could not withstand the storm and sank.
The merchants struggled in the water to stay alive. A turtle saw them struggling. He decided to help them. He went to the merchants and told them to climb on his back.
The merchants climbed on his back and the tortoise took them safely to the shore. The merchants thanked the tortoise for his help.
After a while, the merchants felt hungry. They discussed among themselves about the availability of food. The tortoise overheard their conversation.
He felt sorry for them and decided to sacrifice himself.
He went to the merchants and said, “You can have me as your food.”
The merchants were deeply touched by this offer. They said to the tortoise, “We cannot Kill you for you have saved us.”
Saying so, they patted the tortoise and left.
9. Very Short Story in English – The Talking Deer
Once, a deer lived deep in the jungle. But he was no ordinary deer, for he was very strong and wise, and spoke like a human.
One day, a king, who was hunting, saw this deer. The deer saw the king aiming his bow and arrow at him. He started running.
The king followed him in hot pursuit. The king was so bent on chasing the deer that he did not notice a great hollow in the earth.
The deer jumped easily over it but the king fell into it. The deer saw this. Moved by compassion, he decided to help the king.
He said in a human voice, “I hope Your Majesty has not got hurt. I will take you out.”
The king was astonished to hear the deer speaking. He realised that the deer was not ordinary.
The deer helped the king out of the hollow. The king was ashamed of his actions and sought the deer’s forgiveness.
10. Short Story in English for Kindergarten – The Water Spring
A certain merchant was leading his caravan to another country to sell his goods. Along the way, they came to a hot desert. It was so hot that the merchant’s men started fainting.
There was no water left. Some men started crying out of desperation.
The merchant thought, ‘I must not give up. If I give up, my men will surely give up. I must be positive!’
Soon, he noticed a tuft of grass. He thought, Grass cannot grow without water.
He got excited and called his men to dig there. They dug and dug and hit a stone. But there was no water.
The merchant replied, “We must not give up. Keep digging!”
He put his ear on the stone, and heard the sound of water. Immediately, he struck the rock with a hammer.
And lo! The rock split in two and water gushed out from under it.
The merchant and his men were overjoyed. Their hard work had paid off.
11. Story in English with Moral – The Brave Prince
A prince was very kind and generous. He always used to distribute his wealth among the poor people.
One day, he decided to get more wealth. Now, he had heard about a gem which could fulfil everyone’wishes. It was in a faraway land.
The prince set off to get the gem. It was a very long journey. Finally, the prince arrived there.
The people did not like him. However, he did not lose heart. He met the king.
The king told him that his kingdom was in trouble. A giant was troubling them.
The prince said, “I will kill the giant but you will have to give me the gem in exchange.” The king agreed.
The prince fought with the giant and killed him. The king gave the prince the gem.
The prince came back to his kingdom. From then on, no one was poor or unhappy as the wish-fulfilling gem fulfilled everyone’s needs.
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