The Big Fat Hen Short Story

This the Story for kids in English. An old woman lived in a little hut in a village. She had a little red hen. The woman loved her hen very much. Every day, she would feed the hen mixed corn and let her out in the courtyard.

The hen would walk around, pecking at bugs and insects. Then she would lay an egg in the straw nest under the mango tree. She laid an egg every day.

big fat hen Short story image
big fat hen Short story image

The old woman would sell the egg at the local market for a good price.

One evening, the old woman thought, “If I feed the hen twice as much, she will lay two eggs every day. Then I will become rich.’

She fed the hen more and more corn every day. But the red hen only grew big and fat until, one day, she stopped laying eggs altogether.

The old woman repented her miscalculations.

Things don’t always go as planned.

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