This is the story of old man. Once upon a time in a village, a old man would each day cross the village green and go into the temple to pray. A soldier watched him doing this day after day.

One morning, out of ill-temper, the soldier stopped the old man and said, “Where do you think you’re going?” “I don’t know,” replied the old man.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” said the soldier, “ Every day I see you walk out of your house at this time, cross the village and go into the temple to pray.
Answer me! Where are you going?”
Again, the old man replied, “I don’t know.”
With that, the soldier grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, took him to the jail and pushed him into a cell.
Just as the soldier was turning the key, the old man looked at the jail and said, “See! You don’t know!”
The soldier looked intently at the old man; he felt very sorry for his behaviour and took the old man to the temple.
It was the first time the soldier was going inside the temple.