This is the brahmin and The goat story in English. One day that Brahmin also thought of sacrificing a goat. He called two of his disciples and said to them, “Go and get a goat. Remember that goat must be good. Today we will sacrifice him.”

The disciples of that Brahmin did the same. They brought a goat and said to the Brahmin, “We have brought a good goat just like you said. What do we do with it now?”
In such a situation, the Brahmin said to his disciples, “First of all we have to purify this goat. For this it has to be bathed in the river. You both go and bring this goat after bathing it in the river.”
“As you command.” The two disciples said.
As they were leaving, the Brahmin again said to them, “After bathing the goat, both of you should also take a bath and come dressed in clean clothes.”
The goat was also listening to all these things and he had understood that they were going to kill him. In such a situation, the goat started thinking of saving itself.
What will the goat do to save itself so that its life is saved? Then an idea came to her mind.
After some time all three of them reached near the river and then all three went inside the river and started bathing. While both the disciples were bathing the goat, the goat started laughing. The goat laughed very loudly. Both the disciples were surprised to see that goat. Then after sometime the goat started crying. Both of them were even more surprised to see that goat crying.
In such a situation, a disciple asked the goat, “Why are you doing this? Some time ago you were laughing and now you are crying, what has happened?”
On the question of that disciple, the goat did not tell why she was laughing. But did she tell why she was crying? The goat said to them, “I am laughing thinking of your Master.”
In such a situation, both the disciples became angry and said to the goat, “You are insulting our Brahmin.”
Both the disciples took the goat to their Master and told him, “Master, this goat was crying thinking about you.”
In such a situation, the Brahmin said, “Oh foolish goat, are you mad? Your death is near and you are crying thinking about me. Tell us also why you were laughing and what did you think of me that you started crying?
The goat said, “In my previous life I was also a Brahmin like you and I sacrificed many goats. That is why in this birth I have become a goat because of the curse. And whoever kills me then I will be free from my curse and I will have a good life in the next life, I was laughing. But the one who kills me will have to become a goat in the next life and you are going to kill me so that in the next life you will have to become a goat. I was crying thinking about it.”
Hearing all this, the Brahmin got a little scared and got into the words of the goat. He changed his mind and said to his disciples, “Free this goat. Remove the rope from its neck and let it go.”
In such a situation, one of the disciples said, “Master, you have asked many people to sacrifice what about them?”
“From today onwards no one will sacrifice anyone. Go here and tell the people.” The Brahmin told his disciples and in this way the goat saved his life and that of the rest of the animals.
Moral of the Story – The Brahmin and The Goat Story
In times of trouble, we should use our mind to think of solving the problem. If we just keep thinking about the problem, we will never get rid of it.