Every parents like bedtime stories to read online for their kids. Online stories should not only be easy to understand but also includes moral message for the development of kids.

Kids of age group 2 – 7 years usually have interest in listening bedtime stories from their parents. In this page, you will find 5 bedtime stories online for your kids. These are stories to read at night before bed with your kids and they will feel very nice and enjoy the stories. Without much taking time, Let begin the bedtime stories for kids online.
Farmer and Robber
Once during the night, a farmer was returning home from a cattle fair. He had bought a buffalo from the fair.
As he was passing through the forest, So a robber came and stood in front of him.
He had thick stick in his hand. He said, “Give me everything you have.”
The farmer was very scared. He gave all his money to the robber.
As he was about to leave, the robber said, “Give me this buffalo too. Why are you taking it?”
The farmer also handed over the buffalo rope to the robber. Then the farmer said, “You have taken everything from me. Can you give me your stick?”
“My wife will be happy to know that I have brought at least one stick from the fair.” replied the farmer.
The robber gave the stick to the farmer. The farmer started beating the robber with the same stick.
The robber ran to save his life. The farmer’s money and buffalo were left there. Thus the farmer saved himself and his belongings.
An old man lived in a village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world.
The whole village was tired of him, he was always gloomy, he constantly complain and was always in a bad mood.
The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous were his words.
People avoided him, because his misfortune became contagious.
It was even unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him.
He created the feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened.
Instantly, everyone started hearing the rumour, “The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, he smiles and even his face is freshened up”.
The whole village gathered together. The old man was asked, “what happened to you?
The old man replied, “Nothing special eighty years I have been chasing happiness and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I am happy now.”
The Dishonest Doctor
Once an old lady lost her eyesight and became blind. She called a doctor and agreed to pay him a very big amount if he cured her, but she will not give a single penny if she is not cured.
Doctor daily came to her house for treatment. He started stealing lady’s furniture and other valuable things from the house.
He took away everyday one thing from lady’s house. So he delayed curing the lady.
He cured the lady after he had removed all the furniture and valuable articles from the lady’s house.
Now doctor demanded his fee from the lady. But she refused to pay the fees and said that she is not fully cured.
Doctor registered a case against her in the court. On being asked by the judge why she was not paying the fee, she told her the eyesight is not fully recovered.
She said, “She could not see her furniture and other valuable articles in the house.”
The judge was very clever. He understood the matter and punished the doctor.
Taking Responsibility
Two families lived nearby. One family was constantly fighting, while the other one lived quietly and friendly.
One day, feeling jealous about how the nicely the neighboring family got along, the wife told her husband.. “Go to the neighbors and look to see what they are doing for their well-being.
The husband went, hid and began watching.
He saw a woman who was cleaning the floor. Suddenly, something distracted her and she ran to the kitchen.
At that time, her husband rushed into the room. Not noticing the bucket of water, he kicked it and spilled water all over the floor.
His wife came back from the kitchen and said to him “I am sorry honey! it’s my fault, I didn’t move the bucket out of the way.
The husband replied, No” I am sorry, honey! its all my fault, because I did not notice it.
The man returned home and his wife asked him, If he found out what their secret is..?
The man replied, “I think the difference is that we always seek to be right while they seek to take responsibility for their part..”
A One Minute Story
Once a bird asked a bee, After a continuous hard work, you prepare the honey, but a man steals the honey. Don’t you feel sad?
Then the bee replied, Never… because a man can only steal my honey, not the art of making honey!!!
We hope you have enjoyed above bedtime stories to read online collection with your kids and they also loved it. We aim to pass moral values to every generation through the medium of online bedtime stories. At night, these short stories to read before bed with your children makes a smile in their face. If your kids also get smile after telling above stories then do comment below.
Till then TaDa..