This is the sinbad the sailor adventure story. Sindbad and his crew were sailing through the ocean, when they came to an island. The sky was stormy, so they decided to camp on the island for a few days.

While searching for fresh water, some of the sailors found a huge white egg. Sindbad said, “Don’t touch that egg. It belongs to a bird as big as a mountain. I have seen one before.” But the other sailors ignored him and cooked the egg.
They had just finished eating, when two huge birds appeared in the sky.
The sailors were so scared that they ran to the ship and set sail at once. But Sindbad stayed on the island as it was not safe to sail in a storm.
The angry birds picked up huge boulders in their claws and dropped them on the ship. The ship was wrecked, and only a few sailors managed to swim back safely to the island.
After that Sindbad managed to build a new boat with woods avaibale on that island.
Sindbad started sailing through the Indian Ocean, when a terrible storm wrecked his ship. He was tossed onto a deserted island, but his entire crew was drowned. Sindbad was very sad, but decided to explore the island.
Perhaps someone lives here and can help me,” he thought. He spent the whole day walking around the island.
There were no people on the island, but Sindbad found a cave full of treasure! There were huge diamonds, rubies and piles of jewellery!
Sindbad decided to build a raft.
After many days of hard work, he managed to build a strong raft, and secured a few jewels to it. Then, he cast off into the ocean. He floated for three whole days, until a passing merchant ship rescued him.
When Sindbad reached Baghdad, he sold the jewels and became rich. But he could never find the island of treasure again.