The Little Scarecrow Boy is from one of the Very Short Horror Stories With a Twist. Once upon a time in a cornfield, There lived a scarecrow and his scarecrow wife and their little scarecrow boy.
Every day of the world old man scarecrow went into the cornfield to make faces at the crows. Read also The Teeny-Tiny Woman Short Ghost Story

And every day of the world his litle scarecrow boy wanted to come too. And every day of the world, old man scarecrow said,
No, little boy.
You can’t go.
Youre not ferce enough to scare a crow.
Wait till you grow.
So, every day the little scarecrow boy stayed at home all day and just grew.
On the day of Halloween, dressing up as spirits and ghosts became a part of the All Saint’s Day celebration because the people who celebrated Samhain believed that wearing scaring costumes would scare away the evil spirits and keep them away. Read also Scarecrow Boy Scary Internet Story
Every day out in the field old man scarecrow waved his arms and made terrible faces. He made such terrble faces that the crows nearly lost their feathers at the sight of him there. And they flew far away.
Every evening when the sun went down, old man scarecrow came rattling home. And all evening he sat in his scarecrow house teaching his litle scarecrow boy how to make fierce faces.
Old lady scarecrow whistled though her straw teeth at the looks of them there.
But early in the morning, when the sun came up, it was the same old “NO”.
No, little boy,
You can’ go.
You’re not ferce enough to scare a crow.
Wait tll you grow.
So, the little scarecrow boy stayed at home all day and just grew. Read also Grand Father’s Eye Short Scary Stories
Then one day after the little boy had learned all six of his father’s terrible faces so that he could make them one after the other, he decided to run away.
Early the next, morning he would go out into the cornfield, and he would frighten a crow. So, before the sun was up, or old man scarecrow was up, or old lady scarecrow was up, the litle scarecrow boy slipped out of dressed quietly on tiptoe, and went quietly outof the house over to the cornfield up on his father’s post in his father’s place.
It was a fine shining morning with the sun gleaming green down the corn blades.
Crows circled in the air far away over the trees. The little scarecrow boy waved his arms through the air. He had never felt fiercer in all his life. You may like A Witch in a Bottle Halloween Night Story
And then came flying a big black crow.
Oh Oh Oh
The little scarecrow made his first fierce face and still came flying the big black crow.
Oh Oh Oh
The little scarecrow made his 2nd fierce face and still came flying the big black crow.
His 3rd face-
Oh Oh Oh
Time to go!-
So, the little scarecrow boy ran and he ran down the rows! The black flapping wings made a noise now, and looking back he could see the blue sky through the ragged feathers of the nearest crow.
He ran and he ran! Then he stopped.
His fourth face-
And still came flying the big black crow.
So, he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran.
And the crow flew and he flew and he flew and he flew.
And the little scarecrow boy ran.
And then he made his fifth and next to fiercest face of all!
And stll came flying the big black crow!
The little boy had only one face left now and hardly any breath. Even so, he stopped.
And with his arms stretched wide above his head and his fingers drooping on his hands he gave the big crow..
The Sixth Face-
And Whoa!
The old crow flew backwards through the air, feathers flying everywhere, until there wasn’t even the shadow of a crow on the land. A scarecrow at last. Read also What is the Origin of Halloween Story
The little scarecrow boy knew that he was as fierce a scarecrow as there was in all the cornfelds in all the world.
And then he saw a shadow in front of him, and he looked up, and there behind him was old man scarecrow, his father.
And his father was proud of his little boy who had made all six faces at the crows.
And he picked up his little scarecrow boy in his scarecrow arms and they went home to breakfast.
And when the little scarecrow grew up, he was the fiercest scarecrow in all fields in all the world.