This is the Jack and The Beanstalk Story. Jack was a young boy living with his widowed mother. Their only means of income was selling a cow milk.
As time went by, The cow stopped giving milk. So one morning, Jack was sent to the market to sell it.

On the way to the market, He met an old man who offered to give him “magic beans’ in exchange for the cow.
Jack took the beans and was on his way back home.
When he arrived home without money, his mother became furious and threw the beans out of the window. She sent Jack to bed wihtout supper.

As Jack was sleeping, The beans grew into a gigantic beanstalk.

Next morning, Jack climbed the beanstalk and arrived in a land high up in the sky. There, He followed a road to a house, which was the home of a giant.
Jack entered the house and asked the gaint’s wife for food.
She gave him a food, but the gaint returned and sensed that a human was near by.

“fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman, be he alive or be he dead, I’ll have his bones to grind my bread,” The gaint roared.
However, Jack was hidden by the gaint’s wife. Jack overhead the gaint counting his money.

Jack stole the bag of gold coins and made his escape down the beanstalk.
Next time, Jack went to the gaint’s house and saw the gaint with a hen laid a golden egg daily.

When the gaint was sleeping, Jack stole the hen and returned to his house.
Once again, Jack went to the gaint’s house and saw the gaint with a magical harp.
Somehow, Jack took the magical harp and began to run away. The gaint shouted at him.

This time, Jack was almost caught by the gaint who followed him down the beanstalk.
Jack called his mother who rushed to the palace with an axe. She chopped the beanstalk down, killing the gaint.
Jack and his mother started living happily ever after with their new riches.