Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi is the founder of He loves to write stories, poems, and blogs for the kids with the motive to give value, entertain, and moral values.

Story of Blind Man With a Lamp

story of blind man with a lamp

This is the Story of blind man with a lamp. In the past, There was a village. There lived a guy who was not able to see anything. He was blind.  However, whenever he headed out in the evening, he…

The Vain Stag Short Story


This is the vain stag short story. There was a forest in which a vain stag (deer) lived. His antlers were very attractive. Stag often went to the pond and after seeing his shadow in the water, said “My antlers…

Crane and Crab Story

crane and crab short story

This is the crane and crab story. Once there was a crane who lived in a banyan tree. There was a pond right next to the tree where there were many fishes and crabs. The crane used to go to…