The Revengeful Woodcutter Short Story

This is the very short bedtime story for kids. One day, a woodcutter’s son threw a stone at a snake. The upset snake bit the boy and he fainted. Even after the cure, The boy was in great pain. When…
This is the very short bedtime story for kids. One day, a woodcutter’s son threw a stone at a snake. The upset snake bit the boy and he fainted. Even after the cure, The boy was in great pain. When…
(Owl story in english, Children’s story about owls, Owl bedtime story, Owl story online, Short stories about owl) This is a short story of Owl. An owl flew to an oak tree at the end of the forest to pick…
(Funny penguin stories, Funny penguin stories, penguin stories online, penguin story in english, the little penguin story, Penguin bedtime story, Short story about penguins) The name of the story is Mrs Penguin’s Ideal Palace Story, Once upon a time, Mrs…
(Too Many Toys short story, too many toys in this house, too many toys story for child development, too many toys summary) Too Many Toys Story is the best bedtime story for kids. Little Prince Charlie had many toys but…
Persian short stories in English (The faith of a starving Man), Educational Bedtime story for kids, Starving Man Story for kids. Once a starving man got lost in the desert of Persia. While he was wandering in search of food,…
This is the lion bedtime story for kids. In the forest, All the animals were playing. It was very bright and sunny day. The bear called the lion, “Come; let’s play! Read also Lion and Crow Story But the lion…
The Blue Jackal story is the Panchatantra story for UKG Class. A hungry jackal set off in search of food. He accidentally wandered into a village. A group of dogs attacked him. The jackal ran for his life and entered…
This is the Chinese short story of Fahein’s Dream. Fa Hein was living in a town and wanted to turn copper into gold. All his experiments had failed badly but he still believed that one day he would be able…