Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi is the founder of He loves to write stories, poems, and blogs for the kids with the motive to give value, entertain, and moral values.

How Crows Became Black Short Story

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This is the Crow short Story. Several years ago, there lived a crow that was white in colour. An owl, who owned a dye shop, lived in his neighbourhood. The various colours that the owl used always fascinated the crow.…

Trust Your Instinct Short Story

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“Trust Your Instinct” is the Parrot and Eagle story. An eagle king’s prime minister was a parrot. One day, the parrot was late for work. The eagle asked him,’ “What is the matter?” The parrot replied, “A hunter has set…

Jumbo Elephant Short Story

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Jumbo Elephant Short Story is the of short jungle tale for kids . Once there lived a clever, strong tiger in a forest. He always made fun of other animals. He especially mocked Jumbo elephant by calling him slow and…