Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi is the founder of He loves to write stories, poems, and blogs for the kids with the motive to give value, entertain, and moral values.

The Big Fat Hen Short Story

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This the Story for kids in English. An old woman lived in a little hut in a village. She had a little red hen. The woman loved her hen very much. Every day, she would feed the hen mixed corn…

From Rags To Riches Short Story

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This is the popular Panchatantra Short Story. A dead mouse lay on the roadside. A poor young man stood there, looking at it. Just then, the royal advisor was passing by. He said, “That dead mouse can make you wealthy!” The…

4 Very Short Christmas Stories for Kids

short christmas stories

Christmas is the festival of happiness and togetherness. It is the occasion to choose the Christmas Tree and decorating it with stars, moon and singing carols. Kids are very interested to listen the Christmas stories and excited for the eve…

Mother Frog Puffs Up Short Story

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This is the Frog Story. One morning, Mother Frog went looking for food. Her babies were playing near a pool. Soon, a donkey came to the pool to drink water. He accidentally stepped on two baby frogs and they died.…