Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi

Mukesh Joshi is the founder of He loves to write stories, poems, and blogs for the kids with the motive to give value, entertain, and moral values.

True Love Story

This is the true kids story. Once, the god of birds fell in love with a queen. He disguised himself as a handsome young man and started playing dice with the queen’s husband. One day, the young man decided to…

The Afterlife Short Story

An ascetic because of his good deeds dwelled in heaven. But despite living in heaven and enjoying the bliss, he loved to erase the sufferings of the earthly people. One day, while he was looking at the earth, he saw…

The Wise Beggar Woman

This is the 1 minute story for kids. Once, there was a king and a queen. One day, they yet saw a beggar woman at the palace gates. Though the beggar woman was in a poor state yet she had…

The Tortoise and His Home

Once, a river was full of many sea creatures. Sometimes, the river used to be dry and sometimes the river used to be full of water. Now, the sea creatures knew by instinct when there would be drought and when…