The King and the Nightingale Story

This is the nightingale story short version. The King loved to collect birds. One day, he caught a nightingale. The bird pleaded with him to let her go. “Why should I let you go?” he asked. “I will give you…
This is the nightingale story short version. The King loved to collect birds. One day, he caught a nightingale. The bird pleaded with him to let her go. “Why should I let you go?” he asked. “I will give you…
This is the story of frog. A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog. Well, one day another frog…
This is the tale of china. The Emperor of China was growing old and had no son. He decided to hold a competition to choose his successor. So, he invited all the boys of the kingdom and distributed flower seeds…
This is the akbar birbal story for child. One day, a woman came to Akbar’s court with a man. She said, “Your Majesty, this man snatched all my ornaments.” The man said, “I’m a visitor, Your Majesty. This woman brought…
This is the arabic story for baby. In Baghdad, Shahbaz inherited as much wealth as his brothers, but he did not use it wisely. He was very polite and well-behaved and knew how to please people, but he wasted the money…
This is the Arabic story for kids. Near the coast of Persia was an island ruled by King Shahzaman. He had a son named Camar-ul-zaman. When he was fifteen, the King told him to select a bride, but the Prince…
This is the crocodile scare adventure story for class 3. Nessa and her family were boating in the river in a coracle, which is a small and circular boat. Nessa’s younger brother, Simon, was dangling his hand in the water.…
This is the short elephant story. An elephant king had six tusks. He had two wives. One day, the elephant, by accident, hit a tree with his trunk. In the process, flowers fell on the first wife and red ants…